Worship Assistants
All parishioners are welcome to enrich their worship experience by serving as worship assistants. Some roles, such as reading the lessons or acting as ushers, greeters or tellers require minimal training, while others, such as acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Guild, worship or prayer leaders may entail specialized instruction. If you are interested in serving as a worship assistant, please contact Kristen Maylone or Pastor Katherine.
All parishioners are welcome to enrich their worship experience by serving as worship assistants. Some roles, such as reading the lessons or acting as ushers, greeters or tellers require minimal training, while others, such as acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Guild, worship or prayer leaders may entail specialized instruction. If you are interested in serving as a worship assistant, please contact Kristen Maylone or Pastor Katherine.